Python Basics #1 - Introduction

Python Basics #1 - Introduction


2 min read

Hello everyone and welcome to this series where we'll going to learn Python Programming Language.

Now, this articles are going to be aimed at somebody who may have basic knowledge about what a programming language is but this would be your first programming language, and this is a great programming language to start with.

It does have some limitations and sometimes it is not the right tool for the job, but a lot of times this offers people who have no experience programming a really great way of understanding what a programming language is and how to use one.

What is Python


image by Stokry

Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991.

We will explain each term from the previous definition.

High level programming language

It is user-friendly, simple to use and easy to understand.

Interpreted Language

The interpreter is a software that reads and executes the code instead of translating it by the machine.

General-Purpose Language

It is a programming language that is capable of creating all types of applications (Web apps, Mobile, desktop...).

Python versions

There's two current versions, now this may be confusing as well, so there's a Python 2 series and there's a Python 3 series. The Python 2 is currently at 2.7.18 and the 3 series is at 3.10.5. Now we're going to be using Python 3 in this course however Python 2 shouldn't be much different if afterwards you want to explore using Python 2 that's completely acceptable.

Python is simple

Now as I said Python is based around simplicity and readability and this means that when you look at Python code it's all indentation based. So, if you looked at another code like Java you would see a lot of curly braces, and brackets, and a lot of things that are just there to confuse the the novice programmer.


Python is based on indentation so you don't need to wrap blocks of code in curly braces and you will see what I mean coming up in the next articles. So, that's all we're going to talk about today. I hope you guys enjoy this article and find it useful.

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